5 Point New Believers
Session 5:
The Church Is A Body
Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 before starting session.
1. Many people may think that a church is a building, but it is a “body” made up of people. Why do you think the Bible describes the as a “body?
2.Verse 13 points out how different the members of the body can be. What differences are mentioned?
3. As you look around the body of believers at 5 Point Church, what differences might you notice?
4. According to verse 13, what is the common denominator for these different members?
5.What is the common denominator for the members of 5 Point
6. What problems would we have if everyone were the same? (See verses 14-17)
7. Read verse 20. Think of all the different "parts" that make up your church. (Greeters, pastor, singers, etc.) What would the church be like if some of them were gone?
8. Verse 27 says, “You are the body of Christ, and each of you is a part of it.” What is your part in the body of Christ? How can you serve God in your local body of Christ