Prayer is simply a conversation with God but even the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. There is no wrong way to pray but the P.R.A.Y. method is recommended by 5 Point because it follows the Lord's prayer used by Jesus when He was teaching His disciples to pray.
Praise - “Father, hallowed be your name,"
Jesus taught that we should begin our time with God by praising Him! Start by praising the sweet name of Jesus – thanking Him for all His many blessings upon your life!
Repent - “Forgive us our sins”
Everyone has sin in their life. That is why we need to get clean before entering into the presence of God.
Ask - "Give us each day our daily bread."
The Father delights in hearing our requests. This is where you pour your heart out for others, your church, your family and yourself – not just stuff!
Yield - "hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come."
This is asking God to take your life and use it as He sees fit – His will and not our will!
Imagine how powerful a prayer can be when all the people of 5 Point are united in praying for the same specific things! Each day of the week something specific has been listed below for you to pray for along with a sample prayer for that item. If you are just learning to pray you may insert these sample prayers into the "A" portion of your prayer time.
- Sunday: Strength and Boldness; Special requests from the stage
God I pray that you would give me strength this week in everything I do. Help me to hear the Holy Spirit and the boldness to act when He tells me to. I ask that you would (fill in the blank here with anything that Dean may ask us to pray for during a sermon).
- Monday: Ministries, Marriages, Movement of the Holy Spirit
Help each ministry of 5 Point to fulfill its purpose and serve the people of our community. Meet the needs of each ministry so that we may be a blessing to others.
Help me to be the (future) wife/husband that you have called me to be. God I ask for you to strengthen and restore the marriages within our community. I pray now for the marriage of my (future) children/grandchildren. Prepare the hearts of their future spouse.
I ask for a movement of the Holy Spirit in my life and at 5 Point. Help us to fall in love with Jesus so that we can clearly hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to us.
Tuesday: Thousands of Lives Changed
I pray that the people of 5 Point would fall in love with Jesus and that You would change thousands of lives throughout our community. Show me what I need to do to be a part of that change.
Wednesday: Will of God, Weak
God I pray that your will be done in my life and at 5 Point. I surrender to your perfect will, whatever it may be.
I ask that you be with those that are weak and weary due to sickness, stress, or anything that keeps them from being exactly what you would have them to be. Restore them to health if it be your will
Thursday: Thankfulness
God thank you for 5 Point and for giving me a place to worship freely with my family. Thank you for (fill in the blank and just starting thanking Him for all of your blessings).
Friday: Finances, Family, Friends, Faith
God I pray that you would meet my financial needs and that of 5 Point. Help me to be a good steward with what I have been blessed with. I ask that you would protect my family and friends and that you would bring blessings upon their lives if it be your will. If any of them do not have a relationship with you I pray they would come to love you and that you would change their lives.
Help me to have the faith I need each day so that my walk in Christ is visible to everyone around me. Restore my faith in any area that I may be weak.
Saturday: Sunday Services & Staff
God I pray for the services of 5 Point tomorrow. I ask that you would prepare my heart and the hearts of everyone attending so that we are ready to accept the message that you have for us. I pray that you would oversee every aspect of the day from the weather to the technical requirements. I pray that nothing would hinder anyone from being in your presence. Be with the volunteers that will serve the community and help them to do so with a loving and accepting attitude. May the service leave people yearning to fall more in love with you or in love for the first time.
Be with our pastor as he brings the message and with the staff as they carry out the duties of the church. Keep them in the center of your will and protect them.