Spring 2025 Life Groups

5 Point Church’s Life Group ministry exists to create places of community (Reach) and discipleship (Teach) for all people, in all walks of life, throughout Easley and the surrounding areas.

Sign ups have closed for most groups, but look below for groups that are still accepting new members!

What kind of group are you looking for?

Family Groups

McLean Life Group

Sundays from 5-7 pm
Easley, SC

Facilitators: Matthew & Julie McLean
Who: Families, kids welcome!
Curriculum: Reading the Bible together and using the “For Everyone” study guides by N.T. Wright
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Open to All

These groups are open to anyone except kids.

Burke Life Group

Sundays from 5:30-7 pm
Pickens, SC

Facilitators: Tim & Rita Burke
Who: Anyone 45+, no kids
Curriculum: Sunday Sermon Study Guide
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Harbin Life Group

Mondays from 7-9 pm
Seneca, SC

Facilitators: Scott & Marie Harbin
Who: Open to anyone, no kids
Curriculum: Sunday Sermon Study Guide
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Naum Life Group

Tuesday evenings
Easley, SC

Facilitator: Valerie Naum
Who: Women, kids welcome
Curriculum: The discussion will be about what each of us are learning in our own lives with the option to follow along with the Bible Recap reading plan if desired. The hope is to push each other to be in the Word daily and also able to share about it with each other.
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Please note, there are separate registrations below for men and women, but the Singles Ministry groups will meet together.

Aiken Singles Life Group

Every other Sunday at 5pm
Easley, SC

Facilitator: Sharlene Aiken
Who: Single women, kids welcome
Curriculum: Topics will include sermon discussions as well as relevant topics to following Christ as a single person.
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Greene Singles Life Group

Every other Sunday at 5pm
Easley, SC

Facilitator: Colt Greene
Who: Single men, kids welcome
Curriculum: Topics will include sermon discussions as well as relevant topics to following Christ as a single person.
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Married Couples

Phelps Life Group

Sundays from 6-8 pm
Easley, SC

Facilitator: Doug Phelps
Who: Married couples, no kids
Curriculum: Sunday Sermon Study Guide
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Young Adults

Porter Young Adult Activity Group

Saturdays from 10am - Noon
Easley, SC

Facilitator: KP Porter
Who: Young Adults 18-30, no kids
Curriculum: This group will meet for a different activity each time (pickleball, volleyball, ultimate frisbee, hiking, etc.)
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Harris Young Adult Group

Mondays from 6:30-7:30pm
Easley, SC

Facilitator: Ethan Harris
Who: Young Adults 18-30, no kids
Curriculum: This group is for young adults seeking to build community and grow spiritually.
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Meeks Single Young Adult Group

Sundays from 6-8pm
Easley, SC

Facilitators: Chris & Lisa Meeks
Who: Single Young Adults 18-30, no kids
Curriculum: Sunday Sermon Study Guide
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If you are interested in facilitating or hosting a Life Group, please email angela@5pointchurch.com