The 5 Point Residency is a 36 week theological and biblical training program intended to grow members of 5 Point Church into full and equipped disciples of Jesus Christ, prepare them for ministry leadership, and to strengthen the body of Christ. Participants will be equipped to make disciples, teach, lead, and make an impact both at 5 Point Church and in the world.

What does it entail?
The Residency will meet weekly for two semesters, Fall & Spring, and each participant will complete a capstone summer project in their selected area of ministry or targeted area of personal growth.

Meetings will take place on Sunday evenings at 5 Point Church from 6:30 - 8:00 pm; no childcare will be provided. Because of the ambitious scope of material covered, we do ask that you strive to participate each week.

Fall Semester: August 11 - November 17
Spring Semester: January 5 - April 13

Course Content

Semester 1: Christian Story

Biblical overview from Genesis to Revelation
Theological survey covering key points of our faith: Christology, Trinitarianism, Soteriology, Eschatology, and many others

Semester 2: Christian Mission

Spiritual Formation
Cultural Exegesis
Christian Leadership
Church culture & vision

Semester 3: Capstone Project

Semester 3 is a self-guided time for each participant to complete a project in their chosen area of ministry focus or personal growth. Students will meet with the instructor midway for a progress report, and the full group will meet one final time at the conclusion to elebrate.

In additional to class attendance, participants will be expected to complete selected reading and reflection assignments.

Interested in applying?

Applicants must be members of 5 Point Church who are currently serving, with the ability to commit to the class schedule and a desire to grow in their own personal Christian walks and in leadership capacity within the church. If you are interested, please fill out this application below.

If selected, you will receive a registration link. Fees will be $100 per semester and will cover all class materials and books.

If you have any questions, please email Angela Lamb at