The next 5 years are critical for 5 Point Church not to be a one-generational church, but to last for years upon years to come, impacting our local and international communities for Christ. Each December, we collect a year-end Christmas offering that is above and beyond our standard tithe in order to help fund different opportunities both within and outside the walls of 5 Point Church. Last year, we took in over $250,000 towards our Christmas offering for the Student Section, which was completed in July of this year.

This year, our audacious goal is over $300,000 for this special offering.

In the past we have:
• Helped construct a school, kitchen, a well, and church additions to 5 Point Tanzania
• Funded the upfitting of the Student Section
• Built a new BlastZone Auditorium and renovated additional KidPoint rooms• Sent shoes and clothing to communities in Tanzania• Fully funded a years worth of local outreach opportunities

This year, we also intend to fulfill a dual purpose with the Christmas offering. We are truly trying to fulfill the mandate in Acts 1:8: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Our foreign emphasis is going to be in support of the Child Freedom Coalition, which funds the operation of an orphanage in southeast Asia. This orphanage currently houses 1,200 children and has graduated hundreds more who were rescued out of childhood slavery.

We will send a portion of the offering to their in-house school which provides an incredible education to the children housed there. Last year they were able to build an amazing computer lab, but they do not have any computers! We have seen this orphanage in action and it is a true glimpse of Heaven as more than a thousand children worship together each morning and evening. We are thrilled that through your generosity we will be able to bless this organization.

More can be learned about them at

Locally, we are going to directly support the ongoing ministry of 5 Point Church. With such a great ministry, there is a great cost.

Weekly we see:
• 650 children in KidPoint
• 2,000 adults throughout our worship services
• 250 students on Wednesday nights
• Over 900 Legacy Team Members serving throughout weekend services, weekday ministries, and The Storehouse

The scope of what is taking place at 5 Point Church is staggering and changing this community, but we can do more! Let’s remember as Paul preached in Antioch Pisidia in Acts 13:44:

“The next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord.”

Your gifts will help us:
• Reduce debt
• Provide more ministry opportunities
• Lay a stronger foundation for generations to come
• Prepare for future growth

At 5 Point Church, we truly believe every dollar that is given is God’s money and we must shepherd it wisely. We do not fully know what the future holds, but we know we have to be prepared for future expansion and to move forward into the opportunities that God provides.

Our record speaks for itself:
• In the last 7 years we have renovated our campus from an abandoned building to the incredible facilities we have now (through a capital campaign and a bank loan)
• Expanded KidPoint and constructed offices ($250,000)
• Expanded the auditorium from 800 to 1,200 seats ($1,200,000)
• Added a new multipurpose room in KidPoint ($200,000)
• Added a new BlastZone ($450,000)
• Renovated The Storehouse ($800,000)
• New offices and converted old office space to class and counseling rooms ($700,000)
• Added an LED Screen and upgraded sound system ($400,000)
• Completed renovations of The Student Section ($800,000)

Our cash contribution has been nearly $4.8 million dollars over the last 7 years! We are truly blessed to have the campus we have now because of your generosity.

Looking forward, we have approximately $6 million dollars in debt that we want to retire over the next 5 years to help us prepare for when the entire shopping center is available. During the fall and spring, our auditorium and parking lot is nearing capacity. We recently acquired the land behind CVS for future parking expansion in cash.

Last year we raised over $200,000 for year-end initiatives, but we are expecting even greater generosity from all of us to reach our $300,000 goal.

Celebrate what was accomplished, take part in what is to come, and let’s honor the birth of Christ through our generosity.

We have the special privilege of transforming lives for Jesus Christ right here in Pickens County and beyond. We could not do this without you, so thank you 5 Point Church for your obedience and generosity.

This offering will be collected on December 15 during all 3 services. You can also give online at at any time.

If you have any questions about giving non-cash assets (stocks, real estate, year end bonuses, etc…) you can contact Lawson Clary at or you can go to and see all of the non cash assets that are tax deductible as a gift to the church.

God Bless, Pastor Lawson Clary