Our desire is for our 60+ community at 5 Point to find others to relate to and to enjoy their lives alongside others. In your later season of life, we still want you to find your people and have an opportunity to fellowship through meals, outings and other events! Everyone needs community, find yours!


Upcoming events

Please register for the Vintage Group Cookout at Pope Field!! This will take place on Monday, May 20th at 5pm at Pope Field (310 Pope Field Rd, Easley, SC 29642).

Burgers and chips will be provided, bring your own drink and a dessert to share if you'd like to! The cost is $5.

Let us know you want to be a part of this ministry and stay in the loop by filling out this registration:

Stay tuned for more events!
June 13th - Ice Cream Social at Karma in Easley 6pm

Life Groups 

5 Point Church’s Life Group ministry exists to create places of community (Reach) and discipleship (Teach) for all people, in all walks of life, throughout Easley and the surrounding areas. 

The Whelchel Group meets on a regular basis on Sunday afternoons in Liberty. Email: brownlsb@gmail.com for more information and to sign up.

Serve alongside others!

We believe a great way to meet people and find community is serving on a legacy team on Sundays or during the week. Click here to know more about how you can do that!

If you have any more questions, email Ashley@5pointchurch.com